

5 Advantages of Using An Independent Medicare Insurance Agent For Your Medicare Insurance

May 12, 2023

Here are 5 advantages to using an independent insurance agent for your personal insurance needs.

1. More Options

Independent agents work with a variety of insurance companies to get you the best coverage at the lowest prices. An independent insurance agent has access to many markets to provide you with the policies you need. This access to choices can mean lower rates, less restrictive policies, and better coverage. Independent insurance agents can often provide ways to cover potential gaps in coverage with the use of policies that work alongside the insurance you already have.


2. Save Money

Since independent insurance agents aren’t tied to one company, they can shop around to offer you the best rates. An independent agent has no brand preference, which means you’ll have the opportunity to compare a variety of prices for the same policy. Often, this comparison can result in significant savings and better coverage for your needs.

3. Unbiased Advice

Insurance agents working with one company have a narrow view of the industry. On the other hand, independent agents work with dozens of companies that provide different types of insurance policies. Additionally, independent insurance agents work closely with customers and can offer advice related to the previous positive or negative experiences of other clients. Since independent insurance agents aren’t advocates for a single company, they can help you find the best prices without any preference for one company over another. This freedom also allows independent insurance agents to find plans better suited to the needs of their customers.

4. They Get to Know You

An independent agent is someone in your local community who can serve your insurance needs throughout your lifetime. This local knowledge provides many advantages. A local agent gets to know you as a person and learns about the changes you
experience over time. They often offer advice and learn about which companies have provided you with satisfactory service in the past. Additionally, local insurance agents have knowledge about specific risks to the area. This knowledge can ensure you avoid any gaps in coverage. A local agent is nearby with the capability to take care of your issues right away when you have questions about your coverage. This personalized service helps you avoid the frustrations of long waiting periods on the phone to talk to an agent in another state who may not even know your name. Working with an independent insurance agent you know can make it easy to keep your insurance updated and seek new policies when you need them.


5. Licensed and Experienced

Independent agents are licensed and have the experience to explain insurance terms in simple understandable language. Since most policyholders aren’t professionals, it can be difficult to understand the coverage you have and what you actually need. Unfortunately, this generally leads to customers who end up leaning toward one extreme or the other. Some choose to purchase only enough insurance to comply with local laws and end up being underinsured. Others end up paying expensive monthly premiums on insurance they’ll never use. Understanding Medicare insurance policies can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be a hassle. At Healthwise Insurance Agency, our independent agents work closely with customers to form long-term relationships that provide you with the best insurance coverage to fit your needs no matter your lifestyle. Our experienced agents are ready to answer your questions and discuss our available policies. Get personalized service and peace of mind with an independent Medicare insurance agent who really works for you.